Fixperts is a stem design competition held every year that aims to solve a human centred problem by using home supplies. a simple brief proved quiet challenging trying to work with everyday objects. my design was chosen from the class to be put forward for the competition and mainly focuses around my granny.
My granny suffers with osteoporosis, memory loss and glaucoma. Her challenge when leaving the house was she often forgot her stick. my concept included a magnet which could be attached to her stick as well as another piece of clothing. this meant the stick was close by her at most times and encouraged her to use it more. this product could be made by anyone as I drew up a simple Ikea style booklet, the image based booklet means it is understood worldwide.
Original Hook concept

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3
Magnet concept after user testing

user testing on different walking sticks for final concept

final concept with user

at home booklet to accompany final product